Child in the House, are you fulfilling your role as a child of God?

While parents have a tremendous role in the lives of their children, kids also have a role. Children are to be obedient, well-mannered, respectful loving children. 

Children are to listen (Proverbs 8:33) and obey their parents to live in their purpose. The purpose for us all is to serve God and children’s longevity depends on their obedience. Many kids die young for failing to obey their parents. God has promised a longer life (Ephesians 6:1-3) for you if you are obedient to your parents. 

Far too many youth have died too soon, leaving a family behind in grief. Just know, parents have your best interest in mind and want nothing but the best for you. Your job is to honor and respect them (Mark 7:10).

You represent the name of your family whenever you go, so always be careful and aware of your actions . Listen and learn, so that you may live a longer life on earth. 

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